Become a part of the LimouRATE network

LimouRATE is the platform where affiliatens and customers can find innovative limo operators and get instant rates for bookings with just one click.

LimouRATE makes it possible to make your rates available to affiliates and customers online at any time, immediately and without any delay.

LimouRATE is the most innovative and flexible pricing tool for the limo industry.
Calculate your rates exactly the way you want.

Register to LimouRATE

LimouRATE is fully integrated to GNet.

Affiliates and customers can send rate requests to LimouRATE via GNet from all connected reservation systems and receive the correct rate directly back into their reservation system.
They do not have to leave their reservation system or open an external application or website.

LimouRATE - The future of networking

Actual rates. Anytime. Anywhere.

Cloud based rate calculation. Always the current rates.
No effort for customers/affiliates and the supplier when rates change.

Free marketing included.

The LimouRATE network consists of service-oriented and innovative companies all over the world. LimouRATE makes your company part of this forward-looking network.

Get connected.

You can use the LimouRATE API to make your prices directly available in the online booking tools of major providers and booking platforms.

Rates easier than ever before.

All rate information is stored and maintained in a central location. Affiliate and customer rates as well as your own sales prices.

LimouRATE optimizes your entire rate management

Many different factors have to be taken into account when calculating rates. Mileage, duration, times of day, fees, surcharges, taxes, etc..

LimouRATE is extremely flexible and makes it possible to combine the required factors in the desired way. Every LimouRATE user can store exactly the rate models that perfectly suit their company and their customers.

Networking with other LimouRATE users completely eliminates the need to create and maintain supplier rates. All network participants work with the rates maintained by the provider itself in the cloud.
LimouRATE calculates sales prices based on the purchase rates from the suppliers. Automatic and rule-based.

  • LimouRATE makes your company visible. Far beyond your own network.
  • All needed rate information is stored centrally in the cloud.
  • Complete freedom in the implementation of the desired calculation models.
  • Ensure your rates are accessible 24/7/365 without any delay.

LimouRATE optimizes your network business

Network business can be very time-consuming. Answering rate inquiries from affiliates or waiting for rate information from suppliers can take up a lot of time and cause unwanted waiting times for both sides.

In the LimouRATE network, all the necessary rate information is available immediately and without any delay. Regardless of whether it is your own sales prices for customers or affiliates or the purchase prices of the suppliers.

Reservation systems that are integrated with GNet or use the LimouRATE API can process all rate requests directly from their system.
The convenient and intuitive web application is available to every partner in the LimouRATE network.

  • The rates of different suppliers can also be displayed and compared for a ride with a single click.
    LimouRATE eliminates the effort of having to maintain the rates of suppliers.
  • Suppliers can create a free LimouRATE account and store and maintain their rates there themselves.
  • Suppliers do not have to answer rate inquiries manually. They have no effort and there is no delay in responding to the request.

Enjoy maximum freedom in pricing

More than 12 years of experience working with pricing in the limo industry have taught us that there is great diversity in the approach to this topic. Pricing models are often not only different from region to region, but are also often intended to provide a competitive advantage in the local market.

The creativity of companies in this respect is almost unlimited, but the technical possibilities of the various reservation systems are very limited and leave little room for maneuver.

LimouRATE makes it possible to create a desired individual price model by combining the various available elements (e.g. mileage, duration, ZIP codes, areas, fees, surcharges etc.).

  • Mileage based rates
    Set rates for specific mileage ranges or charge per mile/kilometer.
  • Hourly rates
    Include minimum booking durations with additional charges for extra mileage or hours.
  • Transfer rates
    fixed rates for routes such as airport-to-city or city-to-city transfers.
    ZIP codes, areas and geo-fencing help to define the start and end points of transfers very precisely.
  • Surcharges: Add fees for weekends, tolls, night services, or any other custom charges effortlessly.

Join the LimouRATE network - be ahead of the competition

Partners in the LimouRATE network have a major competitive advantage. They have all rate information, from suppliers as well as their own, available at any time with just one click.

They can respond to their customers' inquiries immediately and are therefore among the fastest providers in the competition.

Inquiries from affiliates are answered automatically, immediately and with the correct rates for precisely this affiliate via LimouRATE. No working time is required for this.

In these fast-moving times, the bookings often go to those who can respond to inquiries the fastest. The fastest way is the automatic digital response via a modern cloud-based system such as LimouRATE.

LimouRATE can be requested directly from other systems via an API and delivers results without any processing delay.

LimouRATE can therefore be requested directly from the most important reservation systems on the market via GNet. Rates for bookings via Groundspan can also be supplied digitally via LimouRATE. Other platforms can be integrated at any time.

How do I get started

Create your LimouRATE account

Try LimouRATE without any risk! The basic account is free of charge.

Send us your rate sheet

2S will implement your rate table.

Share your rates

Provide your rates to your clients and affiliates. Make your current rates available 24/7/365.


LimouRATE is easier and more comfortable for out farming operators.

LimouRATE calculates the right rate based on clear rules, defined by the supplier himself. You do not have to spend time to search for the right rate for the requested booking.

You avoid the risk of using an outdated price and get the rates of all possible suppliers with one click. Out farming operators are saving time and avoiding errors.

The extraordinary thing about LimouRATE is that it is not based on one predefined method.

LimouRATE gives every user the possibility to design his own rate calculation methods and to create rate tables based on them.

Thereby LimouRATE offers the highest flexibility to its users. Hour and mileage based calculation models are possible as well as fixed rates, surcharges and combinations of these different elements. More about this under Calculation Methods.

LimouRATE users form a new network of companies that can provide valid rates for their services at any time with just a few clicks.

This time and cost advantage ensures that a significant proportion of bookings are placed within this network.

In addition, LimouRATE improves customer service in that rate requests from customers for all locations can be answered immediately and without delay. This strengthens the position of the LimouRATE user in the daily competition.

Through LimouRATE you are able to deliver rates to your customers for all locations without delay. The rates are available for all suppliers as if they were your own vehicles and your own drivers.

Generally all LimouRATE users can share their prices with each other.

The LimouRATE web portal gives each user the possibility to calculate rates based on the shared rate tables.

Most users of a reservation system connected to GNet can send a rate request directly from their reservation system to LimouRATE via GNet.

Larger companies, platforms, GDCs, etc. can connect to LimouRATE via an API and send rate requests.

If your reservation system is connected to GNet, you can send a rate request from your system to your LimouRATE account.

If you use a self-developed system that is not yet connected to GNet, 2S can provide an API for integration.

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